8 ans et plus
Parkour is more than just an acrobatic discipline; it is an art of moving through one’s environment in a fluid and efficient manner. The practice develops essential motor skills, such as coordination, balance, and strength. By learning to overcome urban obstacles—walls, barriers, and other landscape features—practitioners cultivate an agile and responsive body.
However, parkour is not without its risks. Safety is paramount, and it is crucial to approach every jump and move with caution. Practitioners must develop a critical mindset, assessing the challenges they face while taking into account their skill level. This involves self-assessment and making informed decisions to minimize injuries.
Additionally, parkour encourages a deep connection with the environment. Traceurs (parkour practitioners) learn to observe and interact with their space in creative ways. This awareness not only increases their safety, but also allows them to discover new ways of expressing themselves and moving. By cultivating an alert mind, they become more aware of the possibilities around them, transforming ordinary places into adventure playgrounds.
In short, parkour is a practice that combines physical development, safety, critical thinking and connection with the environment, thus offering a holistic approach to urban exploration.

Tommy Charest

Tommy a commencé le Parkour en 2010, lors d’une activité organisée pendant l’heure du dîner. Passionné, il a pratiqué le Parkour de manière autodidacte entre 2010 et 2015. La même année, il a pris la décision de déménager de Rivière-du-Loup à Montréal pour se consacrer pleinement à sa pratique, avec pour objectif de devenir athlète professionnel.
En 2018, il a signé son plus gros contrat en tant qu’athlète professionnel, en participant à environ 60 spectacles à Toronto.
En 2019, il a intégré le Studio Trybe en tant qu’entraîneur chef et manager, rôle qu’il a occupé jusqu’à la fermeture du studio en 2021-2022.
Depuis les dernières années, il donne également des cours de Parkour pour plusieurs institutions, dont Gymnitours, partageant ainsi sa passion et son expertise avec de nouveaux pratiquants.
Inscription hiver 2025